
Poland: A Success Story of Post-Soviet Democracy

Lee A. Feinstein, former U.S. Ambassador to Poland with Michael Knapp, ABMC Historian
October 29, 2023

1:00 – 0:30 Feinstein a big fan of ABMF
1:00 – 1:46 Sounding the alarm on Russia’s intentions
1:47 – 2:26 Negotiating first presence of U.S. forces on Polish territory
2:51 – 4:26 Russia’s invasion creates historical reconciliation between Poland and Ukraine
6:58 – 7:30 Russia’s invasion forges strategic relationship between Poland and the U.S.
7:50 – 9:10 Poland’s Solidarity Revolution is a model for other societies
9:59 – 10:50 Opponents of communism united to build a new society
11:44 – 12:46 Soviet-appointee head of Poland negotiated communist to democratic transition
13:10 – 15:24 Economic conditions in Poland
15:42 – 16:57 Corruption in Ukraine
17:27 – 19:40 Poles experience their past history every day
20:52 – 21:53 Polish warnings come from lived experience of Nazi killing fields
22:47 – 23:43 Russia ends treaty agreements to stabilize and control nuclear weapons
24:00 – 25:00 Poland’s place in the world
27:01 – 28:46 Poland’s stake in winning in Ukraine