Essay due no later than 10pm MDT, Sunday April 27, 2025
To submit your essay:
Fill-out this Application online. You will receive a confirmation with a Unique ID number. The
application must be submitted before your essay can be uploaded.
Upload the essay using your unique Participant ID number no later than April 27, 2025 at 10 pm
MDT. All essays must be received digitally through the Essay Contest portal.
Pledge to Submit an Original Essay
Certification of the Student
Certification of the Adult Editor
Parent/Guardian Permissions
When your student’s essay is chosen as winning a prize, the parent/guardian will be required to sign an
Irrevocable Consent, Assignment and Release*. Additionally, a current, signed IRS Form W9 for the
student will be required to be submitted to ABMF for the student to receive prize money.
Because ABMF does not communicate directly with minors, the following permission allows ABMF to
contact the parent/guardian regarding the several steps in the application, submission and notification
Yes, American Battle Monuments Foundation may call and/or email me:
To acknowledge receipt of the essay.
To inform me/my child of the results. (Winners will be called and/or emailed; all participants will
receive a notice informing them of the results.)
If my child submits a winning essay, to discuss how ABMF will announce the results, publicly
identify the winners, and promote future contests.
To contact me regarding future contests and other ABMF activities.
ABMF may use my student’s first name, initial of the last name, and city/town for marketing
purposes if they win.